Atchison To Smoke Test Sanitary Sewer Lines

(KAIR)--The city of Atchison will be conducting smoke testing for their sewer system in order to detect potential breaks and defects in the system.

The city issued a release Tuesday stating the the testing is required for regulatory compliance. Crews will introduce smoke into the sanitary sewer line starting on Tuesday, and then walk the area to observe and document any surfacing smoke. The smoke traces used in the testing are harmless, and no one should be alarmed.

Testing locations include Main Street to Division Street between Ninth and 13th Streets, from Division Street North to the city limits, and Hickory Street West to the city limits, which includes the Westridge and Brookdale areas.

Crews will do their best to provide notices to those potentially impacted properties. The city advises you to call the city public works HelpLine at 913-367-5561 if you see smoke in your home, as it could indicate a problem with your sewer line.

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