Kansas Remembers A Famous Son

(MSC News)--A famous Kansan, and former President of the United States, is being remembered, as Dwight D. Eisenhower would have turned 125 years old this week. 

The 34th President of the United States, General Eisenhower, of Abilene, Kansas, served as Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces in World War II. 

The Republican served as President from 1953 until 1961, and is remembered for such major accomplishments as the Interstate Highway System, signing the Civil Rights acts of 1957 and 1960, desegregating the United States Military and overseeing the creation of NASA. 

The Eisenhower Presidential Center stands in his honor in Abilene. 

Eisenhower, born on October 14th, 1890, is also remembered for his strong words of warning given in his farewell address to the nation. You can view that here

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