USD 377 Moving Forward With Improvement Project

 (KAIR)--USD 377 is moving forward with planned upgrades to the heating and air conditioning systems at the elementary and junior/senior high school, despite last week's special election defeat, that would have given the board authority to raise the district's capital outlay levy.

That, according to Superintendent Steve Wiseman, who adds that the increase would have helped pay back a nearly $3 million federal loan that has been earmarked to fund the project. He says the board is following through with a promise to upgrade the facilities. “They made a commitment to move forward, now what we have to do, is we have to prioritize our spending and our projects on those things that matter most, and then what the effect is going to be...we are going to have to look at how that's going to truly change our spending habits in terms of projects over the next couple of years.”

Wiseman says  the board has also discussed a minor issue brought to their attention by 360 Energy, the company conducting the renovations, regarding the upgrades at the district's fitness/weight room. He explains that “because it's a detached building, 360 was not aware of, or did not realize until after the fact that the building was connected to the old steam heat. So obviously with that being no longer in use, they have given us some we are negotiating with them on what we are going to do to try to resolve that.”

Wiseman says that he expects all work to be completed by January 1st of next year.

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