Avoid sick and dead birds

(KLZA)--Nebraska Game and Parks is urging people to use caution until further notice as avian influenza continues to affect waterfowl and other bird species statewide.

Affected birds have been reported across the state in recent weeks. Nebraska Game and Parks staff have collected waterfowl, including geese and swans, which have been tested for cause of death. Avian influenza was confirmed in several cases.

Though the risk of infection to people is low, the public should avoid contact with sick or dead birds and report them to their local Game and Parks office. Find a location near you at OutdoorNebraska.gov/locations.

Those compelled to assist in clean-up of the birds to prevent further spread of the disease are required to wear personal-protection equipment, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture protocol. The birds should be double bagged and placed in a dumpster.

Sick birds should be left alone.

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