Federal dollars assisting local roadway work

(KAIR)--27 cities across Kansas will receive a total of $22 million for projects to improve intersections and state highways extending through cities as part of the Kansas Department of Transportation's City Connecting Link Improvement Program, known as CCLIP.

Announcement of the funds was made in a release issued by Kanasas Governor Laura Kelly, who says that due to "increasingly solid financial footing at the state and federal levels, Kansas is finding ways to solve problems and bring resources directly to communities across the state.” KDOT was able to increase CCLIP funding for this selection cycle due to additional federal funds coming to Kansas as part of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Legislation, with the program to provide $5.1 million in state fiscal year 2025 and $16.9 million in state fiscal year 2026. Both federal and state funds are designated for the CCLIP program. Local matching funds are required based on city population.

CCLIP projects can be submitted in three categories: Surface Preservation, which involves maintenance work such as resurfacing; Pavement Restoration, which includes full-depth pavement replacement and possibly drainage issues; and Geometric Improvement, which addresses turn lanes, intersection improvements, or modifications to lane configurations. The first category is what will benefit the City of Atchison, with $400,000 designated for surface preservation in the fiscal year 2025. Leavenworth will also receive $400,000 for the same year, for the purpose of surface restoration.

In total for this CCLIP cycle, KDOT received 60 applications requesting $53 million.

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