USD 415 approves wrestling co-op with Doniphan West

(KNZA)--The Hiawatha School Board has voted to join a wrestling cooperative with Doniphan West for both the middle school and high school.

The board took the action when they met Monday evening.

The board was told 9 Hiawatha High School students have expressed an interest in participating in the sport and 15 middle school students.

Hiawatha will be responsible for no more than half the cost of the program, with the school district's cost dependent on the number of students particpating.

The board was told the average cost of the high school program is $11,000.

The Hiawatha Middle School took part in a wrestling co-op with Doniphan West last school year.

In other business, the board approved a bid from INA Alert to upgrade the security camera system at the high school at a cost of $32,369. It was among three bids received and includes 15 security cameras. A grant will cover a portion of the cost.

The board received an update on the food service program. Ruth Schowengerdt, the on-site manager for OPAA, said the second chance breakfast, which is a grab and go type breakast, currently has a 51 percent participation rate. She said the particpation numbers overall in the food service program have increased from last year and two years ago.

Following an executive session, the board accepted the resignations of High School band director Jarod Estrada, effective at the end of the 2023-24 school year, and School Nurse Erin Winger, effective at the end of the semester.

In addition, the board approved the hiring of Brian Lay as head high school baseball coach.

As part of the consent agenda, the board accepted the resignation of Cynthia Florence as head high school softball coach.

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