Giving Day at Peru State College is successful

(KLZA)-- The Peru State College Foundation hosted their Fourth Giving Day in October.

As of November 15, $73,707 has been raised from 93 unique donors. In addition to the gifts, Peru State students contributed by participating in various volunteer events throughout the week.

The Giving Day goals were set at securing 156 different donors on Giving Day and 156 student volunteers or hours during the week. The number 156 is significant as Peru State- first day of classes was on October 24, 1867 - 156 years ago. While the goal for number of donors was not reached, it appears that student volunteers may have reached the goal of over 156 hours of community service according to Carrie Burnham, Director of Student Activities and Programs at Peru State. At least 14 different student groups reported on their Giving Day service activities.

Contributors were able to donate to a program or fund of their choice. Project ROAR secured the most contributions - $58,508 - from 48 different donors. A total of $73,707 secured during the Giving Day made it the largest amount garnered since the inception of the event. Alumni and friends from 19 different states made a donation this year - the most states represented since the inception of the Giving Day.

The picture accompanying this story is The Council for Exceptional Children members. They made sensory units for Calvert Elementary students in Auburn. Those participating in the Giving Day activity were: Front row (l to r) Mara Manzer (Auburn), Bernice Hilker (Omaha), and Riley Koch (Centralia, Kan.). Middle row (l to r) Zoe Ebel (Falls City), Megan Schmidt (Plymouth), Jordan Alves (Omaha), Grace Greenwood (Chappell), Mindy Bartels (Lincoln), and Kylie Hansen (Lincoln). Back row Steven Burgers (Bennington).

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