Apply now for Nebraska early voting forms

(KLZA)-- Nebraskans who would like to vote early for the May 14, statewide primary can now submit early voting applications to their county election office.

Voters can either download the early voting applications from the Nebraska Secretary of State- website, or they can request an application from their county election office.

County election offices will begin mailing out early voting ballots on April 8. Early voting in-person at county election offices, which requires an ID but no application, begins April 15.

This will be the first election requiring Nebraska voters to submit a photo ID to cast a ballot.

Acceptable forms of photo ID which must include the voters name and photo include:

A Nebraska drivers license; a Nebraska State ID; a United States Passport; a military ID; a Tribal ID; a hospital, assisted-living facility or nursing home record; a Nebraska political subdivision ID or a Nebraska college or university ID.

Voters can get a free state ID, by contacting the Nebraska Department of Motor Vehicles.

If the person was born in Nebraska and needs a free certified copy of their Nebraska birth certificate, to get a free state ID, they can contact the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services. A birth certificate is not a valid form of voter ID.

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