New semi trucks coming to Jefferson County

The Jefferson County, KS Courthouse/Credit: Facebook

(KAIR)--Two Kenworth semi-trucks, new to Jefferson County, were approved for purchase this week during the County Commission's regular weekly meeting.

It was during Monday's session, according to the meeting's unofficial minutes, that Public Works Director Ben Domann met with the Commission.

Domann told Commissioners that last week, he dispatched two staff members to Kearney, Nebraska, to view two semi-trucks for sale, with Domann explaining the two 2020 Kenworth T680's have around 170,000 miles on them.

Offered at a cost of $45,940 each, or $91,880 for both, Domann told the Commission he finds the purchase to be more beneficial than attempting to fix the motor in one of department's older trucks, which is estimated to cost around $75,000 to rebuild.

After Domann added that the staff members were impressed with the trucks they viewed, the matter was addressed by the Commission, with unanimous approval ultimately granted for the purchase.

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