EDGE updates Falls City Council on bio-chemical plant project

(KLZA)-- Falls City EDGE Executive Director Lucas Froeschl addressed the Falls City Council to provide a clearer understanding of a meeting with Richardson County Commissioners last week.

Froeschl felt information from the meeting had given the perception that the proposed $5 billion bio-chemical project by Citroniq, planned for a location south of Falls City may be in peril due to a freeze in federal loan programs.

Froeschl told the Council Monday night that EDGE still feels good about the project moving forward. He said to meet Citroniq's timeline to be operating in 2029, some decisions on where the power for the plant will come from, likely needs to be made by the end of 2025.

Securing a power source for the project and meeting future needs for Falls City utility customers has been a priority for EDGE. Froeschl said wind and solar power are not requirements for the Citroniq facility, but EDGE is looking for reliable sources for the electric generation.

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