Council hears golf course annual report

Seneca City Hall

(KMZA)--The Seneca City Council heard the annual report from the Spring Creek Golf Course when they met last week.

Course Superintendent Tony Altenhofen said membership was up almost 5 percent last year, and revenue was up almost 20 percent over 2023.

He said clubhouse expenses increased about 10 percent. Overall, the Course saw a loss of just over $600.

Altenhofen said they are expecting a big year in 2025.

The 18-hole public golf course was established in 2006.

In other business, the Council approved an updated electric rate structure proposal as presented by City Administrator Steve Brooks.

It contains a $10 base rate increase and an across the board two cent per kilowatt hour increase.

The Council will consider the adoption of a resolution at their next meeting implementing the new rate structure.

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