Positive Vibes

Stop The Bleed Kits Donated to Local Schools

Nemaha County Emergency Management, in collaboration with Nemaha Valley Community Hospital (NVCH), Sabetha Community Hospital (SCH), Kansas Region 5 EMS Council, and community donors, is enhancing safety by providing STOP THE BLEED® kits to local schools and county offices. Emergency Management Director Eddie Aldrine, alongside NVCH and SCH staff, recently distributed 49 kits, funded through a donation of 28 kits from Kansas Region 5 EMS Council and $1,050 in community contributions for 21 additional kits. Kits were delivered to Nemaha Central Schools, Sabetha Schools, Centralia Schools and Saints Peter and Paul School. STOP THE BLEED® kits equip individuals with the tools to control life-threatening bleeding before emergency responders arrive. NVCH and SCH are offering training programs to ensure preparedness. With 150 classrooms and school vehicles in Nemaha County still needing kits, sponsorships are being sought to purchase more. Each kit costs $50, and interested donors can contact Courtney Schmelzle (cschmelzle@nemvch.org), Becky Bartkoski (becky.bartkoski@nemvch.org) or Lauri Hertzler (lhertzler@sabethahospital.com).