Turbine Variance Fails Planning Commission

(KAIR) -- A setback variance for an 80 foot wind turbine fails the Atchison Planning Commission Wednesday evening.

The vote was three to one against with Commissioners Mike McKloskey, Melanie Brungardt and Gary Kearney voting against while Commissioner Derek Franklin cast the lone yea vote.

Mark Growney spoke in favor of the variance for his father, Doctor John Growney’s, property.

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However, issues like error of the contractor factored in the debate.

Community Development Director Stefanie Leif explains the staff recommendation for denial.

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Ultimately, dissenting Commissioners agreed, but Franklin said Growney shouldn’t be punished for contractor error.

Doctor Growney is eligible to write a letter of appeal to the city for it to be taken up by the City Commission at their next scheduled meeting, which will not be until October 1st.

In other business, almost an hour of the meeting focused on a sign workshop in their efforts to modify the ordinance.

Leif reported that the current sign ordinances say that only one sign should be on a business, but most businesses have multiple signs.

Safety and excessiveness of signs were discussed during most of the meeting.

Commissioner Franklin says it will be difficult to set a precedent after letting things occur without regulation.

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Commissioners will have another sign workshop at their next meeting on October 3rd.

Leif still encourages businesses to contact her office to give feedback on any potential sign ordinance changes.

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