Atchison Passes Sales Tax Allocation to County

(KAIR) -- Atchison City Commissioners will give their annual sales tax allocation to Atchison County.

Commissioners voted four to one to give just over 412 thousand dollars to the county to fund solid waste and joint communications for 2014.

It’s a slight increase from last year, based on annual adjustments for inflation.

Commissioner Rita Hartman says she wasn’t sure if the allocation was enough or too much to help fund it, so she voted against the allocation.

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In other business, Commissioners moved forward with entering an agreement with Lochner to perform an environmental assessment of the airport layout plan, contingent upon FAA approval and funding three to two, with Commissioners Bower and Purcell voting nay.

Purcell cited concerns of long-term city cost for airport upgrades and a potential increase in upkeep costs as the reasoning behind his no vote.

The 99 thousand dollar project would only cost the city 10 percent of that if the FAA moves forward with funding approval.

Commissioners also unanimously appointed Mark Grove to serve on the ADA Advisory Board.

They also approved replacement of a three floor raw water intake elevator at the water treatment plant for roughly 46 thousand dollars.

The old elevator has not been used since 2004.

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