Atchison Catholic Churches to Consolidate

(KAIR) --  Four Catholic churches around Atchison will soon become one parish.

Parishioners of St Benedict’s, St. Joseph’s, Sacred Heart and St. Patrick’s churches will unite into one parish on July 5th.

It also means that Atchison Catholic Elementary School, which is part of the merger, will be changing their name to reflect the new parish.

While the name of the new combined parish hasn’t been made public, Father Gabriel Landis, priest at St. Joseph’s Church, says discussion about consolidation began with the archdiocese review in Kansas City in 2009.

He says the conclusion came that many weekend masses were being offered in Atchison and too few priests were able or available to conduct them at the four particular churches.

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Father Gabriel says the decision is based off of the recommendation of the archdiocese and church law.

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Father Gabriel says while the merger is a difficult decision, he hopes it will strengthen the Catholic community as a whole.

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The four churches will still remain active with masses and events, but will no longer act as their own in day-to-day decisions.

Here's the link to the new priest assignments:

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