Holt County Commission Approves Budget

(KTNC) --  The Holt County Commission has approved the 2014 Budget.
 Commissioners approved the budget following a public hearing on Tuesday. 
 County Clerk Kathy Kunkel says elected county officials did a good job of turning in budget requests that fairly represent what it takes to run their offices.  On the whole, she says it’s a steady budget. 
 There are a couple areas where Kunkel says the budget is increasing.  One is in the District Court and County Prosecutor budgets, where the county is required to purchase new computer equipment to accommodate the state courts’ switch to a paperless system.
 Kunkel says her budget is also up this year, with three elections – the April municipal election, August primary, and November general election.
 She says the county was able to cut back the Road and Bridge Department’s budget, since the county is no longer paying for flood recovery.
 In her budget message, Kunkel says Holt County begins the year with solid account balances, with revenue and expenditures generally in line with previous years.  Kunkel anticipates General Fund revenues remaining steady at just over $1.5 million with expenditures increasing by $70,000 to just over $1.7 million.
 At the end of 2013, the General Revenue Fund had an ending balance of $387,300, down nearly $30,000 from the start of the year.  The county’s on-budget funds posted a collective ending balance of just over $1.2 million, which was down approximately $300,000 from 2012.
 Those reductions are tied directly to a decline of nearly six-percent in the county’s sales and use tax receipts in the past year.

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