New Snags in Atchison Recycling Plan

(KAIR) -- The status of the planned Atchison single-stream recycling program, as well as proposals to upgrade the Atchison County transfer station dominated the most recent meeting of the Atchison County Solid Waste Committee.

While the implementation upgrades to the Atchison trash system has been going fairly smoothly, the plan for recycling…not so much.

That word from City Manager Trey Cocking, explaining an update to Committee Chair Derek Franklin.

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The program is still tentatively set to begin in late-July.

When Cocking mentions the recyclables end point, he’s referencing the county transfer station.

County solid waste provider Deffenbaugh would then be responsible to haul and sort what’s dumped.

Discussion then ensued on what is an ideal transfer station.

Deffenbaugh’s Brent Miller gives his ideal scenario to Committee Vice Chair Mike Stec.

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Cocking added that trash consumption has been down in Atchison since the implementation of the county solid waste fee in November.

Discussion also resumed on how funding for county solid waste and joint communications should be funded for next year.

Ideas are still on the table to either resume the solid waste fee on property taxes or abandon that and implement a tipping fee for each dump, which will cost the county several thousand dollars to implement the proper equipment at the transfer station.

Miller said of clients in the five states Deffenbaugh does business with; Atchison County is the only client that has a transfer station or landfill that doesn’t have a tipping fee in place.

Franklin insisted that action must take place soon on what kind of monies will be needed to fund solid waste and joint communications for next year, so each municipality was asked to provide how much they plan to allocate for 2014 to the county from their county wide sales tax collections by the next committee meeting on June 6th.

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