Benedictine President Responds to Paul Ryan’s Appearance & Protest

(KAIR) -- The President of Benedictine College responds to the appearance and controversy of Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan’s upcoming Commencement Address at the school.

This comes after a recent two page paid advertisement in the local newspaper with a petition requesting President Steve Minnis to remove Ryan from the Commencement Address.

It had around 200 signatures and comments from various Benedictine alumni, monastery nuns, citizens and a former St. Benedict’s Abbot.

This outcry was initially prompted by a petition by Atchison resident Charles Elias, which had 297 signatures as of earlier this week.

The petition was circulated based on the view that Ryan’s politics don't match the Benedictine tradition.

Minnis disagrees and says Ryan espouses several of the core issues consistent with Catholicism.

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However, Minnis says Ryan’s position on the federal budget isn’t an issue for grounds of removal.

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On Saturday, over 100 protestors from Atchison, with representatives of the Topeka and Wichita “move on” chapters, have committed to line the sidewalks outside Benedictine beginning at 8:30.

Johnson County Council Organizer for, Al Frisby, says the branch of the non-profit federal committee opposes several of the policies of Ryan, including his proposed federal budget, and his stance on Pell Grants.

Minnis reacts to the planned protest.

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The group also speculated that the decision by Minnis to have Ryan speak was his own and questioned where the speaking fee for his address was going to come from.

Minnis says neither of those claims have merit.

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Minnis says the feedback to Ryan’s upcoming address has been generally positive from students.

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