Atchison Co Businesses Beefing Up Recycling Efforts

(KAIR) -- In an effort to have a lower solid waste fee next year for trash, several Atchison County businesses have stepped up their recycling programs.

Several non-residences that had the rate of 61 dollars per 26 cubic yards for their property taxes based off of projections of trash consumption by Heineke, LLC, were in shock last fall when they got their statements.

 Many were part of a roomful of business owners at subsequent Atchison County Commissioners meeting expressing believed inconsistencies of the study.

Several then went through an appeal process in an effort to justify a lower rate.

One was hardware distributor Blish-Mize, whose fee was among the highest in the county, despite efforts already in place to recycle prior to the fee.

President and COO Johnahan Mize says since they were assessed the fee, they have found ways to become more efficient and benefit from the issue.

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Eventually Blish-Mize got their rate cut in half in December through a resolution passed by County Commissioners.

Schools are getting in on the mix too, including Maur Hill Mount Academy.

Their fee initially was around eight thousand dollars, much higher than the other public schools, which have more students.

However, the fee was cut in half and more recently, after paying the first half of the four thousand dollars; negotiations took place exempting them from paying the final two thousand

President Phil Baniewicz says he hopes enhanced recycling measures will be in place by the time students return in the fall.

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Currently the solid waste committee is discussing what direction the county should go in determining what kind of fee should be assessed moving forward, whether to continue with a  solid waste fee, or move to another fee, like a tipping fee, which is done on a fee by the dump system.

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