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Public Fund-raising Campaign Launched for Atchison YMCA Expansion

(KAIR) -- A fund-raising campaign is underway in an effort to expand the Atchison Family YMCA.

Fund Drive Chairman Rick Berger says the six million dollar campaign went public this week and plans to expand the “Y” has been in the works for quite some time.

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The cabinet is being overseen by Honorary Chair Bud Cray and is working in conjunction with the “Live Well, Live Atchison” health initiative.

Berger says the cabinet started raising funds for the project late last year.

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The campaign is now in the “community phase” where the cabinet will contact previous YMCA capital donors and past and present YMCA members in an effort to get to the final one-point five million by September.

In between now and then, that may include a sizable gift that will be considered during that organization's next meeting in July.

Atchison Family YMCA Director Lorin Affield says they are currently in negotiations with neighboring businesses to the east of their current building until the corner of 3rd and Commercial to purchase land.

In turn, this will relocate various exercise areas and make them larger.

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Other addition proposals include renovations to the building constructed in 1982, by adding a community room, inter-generational room, teen center and teaching kitchen.

While the campaign continues, plans will continue to make the expansion come to fruition as quickly as possible.

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The cabinet will also continue to look at ways to develop the location of the 100-year-old building on the west side of the property.

They will also look for ways to continue to keep the current buildings and services as operational as possible while the expansion takes place.

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