Missouri Extension Planning Meetings on Drought for Farmers

(KTNC) - University of Missouri Extension is planning a series of meetings for farmers at seven locations in the northwest part of the state early next month.  The meetings are planned in response to the ongoing drought, with the goal of helping agricultural producers with their decision making process for the coming year.
 University Agricultural specialists will address topics including the winter and long-term weather outlook, managing the beef herd through drought, using available forages, water systems, how to adjust to the financial impacts of drought, the impact of drought on perennial plants, fertilizer carryover, aflatoxin, and other Extension resources.
 This is an uncertain time for agricultural producers.  According to Northwest Region Horticulture Specialist Tim Baker, even if the drought ends, the ramifications of the dry summer will continue into 2013.  If the drought continues, that will complicate the decision-making process for next year.  The meetings will give producers a chance to weigh options as they move through this uncertain period.
 Meetings will be held in Albany, Cameron, Maryville, Trenton, St. Joseph, Chillicothe, and Mound City.  Each meeting will begin at 10:00 a.m. and end by 3:00 p.m.  There is a $10 charge for lunch and materials.  M-U Extension asks those who plan to attend pre-register three days before the meeting so they have an accurate count for lunch. 
 Meeting locations and contact information can be found online at extension dot Missouri dot E-D-U, or by calling Tim Baker at 660-663-3232.

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