Kerrey says States Should Manage Missouri River

(KTNC) - States should have more authority to manage the Missouri River.  That’s what Bob Kerrey said in response to a question during a campaign appearance in Falls City Sunday evening. 
Kerrey is running for the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by Ben Nelson.  He was asked to share his thoughts on management of the Missouri River, which is now controlled by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.  (play audio  :26)
Kerrey says there are a lot of exciting opportunities if we start thinking creatively about how to best manage the Missouri River to maximize its economic impact – but there’s no authority to do that now.  (play audio  :32)
Kerrey says there are a lot of exciting things happening on the river now with wetlands restoration, but changes won’t happen without change in federal law.  (play audio  :35)
Kerrey says having states manage the river would provide a more transparent system than now exists.  He noted Sunday that Nebraska is the only state in the basin in which 100-percent of the rivers drain into the Missouri River.

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