Atchison Hospital Named “Stroke Ready”

(KAIR) -- American Heart Association and the Kansas State Stroke Task Force have announced five additional Kansas hospitals (37 Kansas hospitals in total) that are officially Emergent Stroke Ready and able to adequately care for a stroke patient brought to their facility.

Atchison Hospital was one of those hospitals that provided the necessary documentation to be named as Emergent Stroke Ready as part of the Kansas Initiative for Stroke Survival (KISS).

To date, there are currently 48 hospitals participating in the KISS in one of three categories: Emergent Stroke Ready, Primary Stroke Center or 24/7 Neuro-Interventional Center. Emergent Stroke Ready hospitals (ESRHs) can diagnose, treat, and transport acute stroke patients to a higher level of care as warranted.

ESRHs must also annually attest to the Kansas State Stroke Task Force their continued compliance with designation criteria.

Led by a team of 50 medical professionals known as the Kansas State Stroke Task Force, KISS is a project by Kansans, for Kansans.

The task force, which began in 2004, was created to study and address the issue of stroke care in Kansas and develop a comprehensive system of stroke care.

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