The Farmers House Offering Unique Programs

(KAIR) -- A Platte County non-profit organization is giving a unique opportunity for youth and adults with developmental disabilities an opportunity to work and learn.

The Farmers House, with its headquarters at 23200 273 highway near Weston, give them an opportunity to develop those skills in a rural setting.

President David Cunningham says the idea got started in 2004 and has a personal meaning.

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As a result, it evolved to the first of three programs that are offered through the organization.

The first was the Seeds of Change Garden, which originated at the Red Barn Farm in rural Weston where students from Platte City High School raised crops and then cooked them in the classroom.

Cunningham says the program took off the next year, causing them to find a new location.

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He also encourages other schools to check out their garden for possible replication on their own school property or donated land.

The most recent program from The Farmer’s House is the Market Program, which was instituted in April.

Cunningham says this program will give developmentally disabled individuals an opportunity to develop skills to succeed in the real world.

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They also offer a Flour Sack Baking Program to teach them how to safely prepare food and to plan, bake, package, market and sell a product.

That’s located at the Market, as well as the Platte Woods United Methodist Church.

Cunningham says there are several events throughout the year to raise funds, which all go back into their programs.

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More information on The Farmers House is available at or at 816-640-3276.

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