Proposals Limit Employer Access To Social Media

(KNZA)--Two Kansas lawmakers are introducing measures aimed at limiting employers' access to job applicants' social media accounts.

Two Kansas lawmakers are introducing measures aimed at limiting employers' access to job applicants' social media accounts.

Rep. Gail Finney and Sen. Oletha Faust-Goudeau, both Democrats, are supporting measures that seek to protect job seekers from employers who want access to user names and passwords to look through social media accounts like Facebook or Twitter.

Finney is also pushing a bill that would ban colleges and universities from asking for the same information from students and potential students.

Finney understands why employers might research applicants using Facebook, but says she doesn't think that justifies peering deeply into their personal accounts.

Labor law experts believe such snooping is rare in the area and the bill may be overkill. 

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