Jenkins Votes For PLAN Act

U.S. Congresswoman Lynn Jenkins

(KNZA)--Just last week, Republican United States Congresswoman Lynn Jenkins came to the local area, speaking in Sabetha, Hiawatha and Atchison, delivering a message, in part, focused on the need for change in the nation's budget process. 

Now, returning to Washington D.C., Jenkins takes to the national stage, as part of the House Republican Leadership, and delivers a message focused on the Republican's PLAN Act. 

She began her address Tuesday with an anecdote, used as an analogy, about proper emergency planning, and how it takes adult thinking to create the correct strategy(Play Audio) 

Jenkins then turned her focus on the President's failure to submit a budget by Monday's legal deadline and how, in her words, that threatens future generations(Play Audio) 

The PLAN Act" would require the president to submit a budget that at least identifies what point in the future the budget would come into balance, if it can't be accomplished within 10 years.

The act, Wednesday, passed the House, with bi-partisan support, 253 to 167. 

It will now move to the Senate. 

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