Governor Heineman Honors Peru State College Program

 (KLZA) Nebraska Governor Dave Heineman recently announced that Peru State College is one of 50 Nebraska employers honored for successful workplace wellness programs.

The award was created to recognize Nebraska employers that have developed successful models for encouraging wellness at work. Factors considered for the award included the level of support for the program by company leaders, assessment of employee needs, wellness plan design, outcomes and benefits, and policies supporting healthy behaviors. Wellness programs typically provide employees with health education, health screenings and opportunities for exercise.

Nebraska’s workplace wellness program offers two categories. The Grower Award division honors businesses and organizations demonstrating significant improvement in employee health behaviors, while the Sower Award division recognizes workplaces with quality wellness programs. Peru State received a Sower Award.

Peru State is a member of the Employee Health Alliance (EHA). Additionally, the campus established a Wellness Coalition in 2011.

The brainchild of Peru State Associate Professor of Health and Physical Education Dr. Ellie Kunkel, the Wellness Coalition seeks to educate the campus community about ways to live healthy lifestyles. 

Nebraska businesses can apply for the Governor’s Wellness Award online at Awards are presented annually and are good for three years. The award program is a partnership of the Office of the Governor, the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, and WorkWell, a division of the Nebraska Safety Council.


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