Atchison Sets Water Rates For 2014

(KAIR)--Atchison residents may soon see a slight increase in their water bill as a slight rate increase was approved by the Atchison city commission during their meeting Monday evening. City finance director Becky Anderson came before the commission to present the plan for the proposed rate increase, but first, she reviewed what the city has done with the water rate over the past few years. In 2009 there was a significant increase with a 10 percent increase in water and waste water, with a 25 percent increase in water and a ten percent water increase in 2010. In 2011, rates went down a bit with only a 2 percent increase in water and 3 percent in waste water. Last year saw a 3 percent increase in water and a 5 percent increase in waste water. And finally, for this year, there was a 6 percent increase in water and a 5 percent increase in waste water.

Anderson goes on to say that there there was initially going to be a 6 percent increase in water this year, but as the budge was prepared, it was decided that a 4 percent increase would work better. She says revenues are down a quarter of a percent from last year, even though there was a rate increase, and that is because consumption is down, which she attributes to wetter weather this year.

Atchison residents will only see a light increase in their water bills in the coming year. If the cost of trash is factored in, the average water bill will only increase by $3.22 a month.

The city commission voted 5-0 to accept the new water rate increase for 2014.

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