Candidates To Meet In Onaga

(MSC News)--A candidates forum, for those seeking election in the November 8 general election, is planned for next week, held by the Pottawatomie County Republican Party.

Scheduled to take place at the Onaga Community Center, announcement of the forum was delivered through a press release dated October 10. The forum is set for Tuesday evening, from 6:00 until 9:00.

Randy Garber, the unopposed Republican State Representative for the 62nd district, is coordinating arrangements with co-sponsors and participants.

He tells MSC News, in an email, that two Republicans, incumbent Senator Dennis Pyle and 61st district House of Representatives candidate Francis Awerkamp, have committed to attend. Both candidates have confirmed their attendance. 

In the press release, Pottawatomie County Republican Chairman Norman Stutzman says it was decided to host the forum “to allow candidates to present their messages in front of the largest possible audience versus numerous special interest forums that take candidates off the campaign trail away from the broad spectrum of voters."

The forum is scheduled for the same evening as another similar event planned in Highland.

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