Atchison Educator Hears Sentence For Child Sex Crimes

Robert Bulk

(KAIR)--More than five and a half years in prison.

That’s the sentence handed down to the Atchison educator charged with child sex crimes.

39-year-old Robert Bulk heard his sentence in Atchison County District Court Monday afternoon.  He was sentenced to a total of 68 months in prison on two counts of sexual exploitation of a child.

Bulk’s sentence includes a life-time supervised probation and order to register as a sex offender.

Before hearing his sentence, Bulk read an emotional statement expressing regret for his actions. He apologized to his victim as well as the community saying he admits full responsibility for his actions.

He stated he plans to use his time in prison for rehabilitation and promised to never be back in the court room again.

Charges for Bulk stem from incidents with an Atchison teenager.

After Bulk’s statement, Judge Robert Bednar read ethics codes that Bulk’s actions violated from various teacher’s code of ethics. He said Bulk failed to protect the 14-year-old student and used his relationship with him for personal gain.

According to a probable cause affidavit from Atchison County District Court, Bulk began an electronic relationship with the teen back in January. Their communication resulted in $745 that Bulk paid to the teen in exchange for sexual photographs.

During the relationship, investigators say Bulk sent the teen sexual images and videos and requested the male victim to do the same and arranged payment through Paypal.

The illegal communication is said to have occurred between March and June.

After sentencing, Bulk was remanded into the custody of the Atchison County Sheriff’s Department for transfer to the Kansas Department of Corrections.

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