USD 115 Board Approves 2017-18 Calendar

(KMZA)--The Nemaha Central Board of Education has approved the calendar for the 2017-2018 school year. Heidi Wolfgang reports..

Under the calendar approved by the Board during their regular meeting Monday evening, new teachers will report for  orientation on Thursday, August 10 and returning teachers will return on Friday, August 11. Students will begin with a full day on Thursday, August 17.

Superintendent Darrel Kohlman says the calendar is very similar to the current year calendar with two more days for students and teachers.

Following an executive session, the Board voted to extend the current two-year contracts for the district's four administrators an additional year until 2018.  Compensation will be determined at a later date.

Nemaha Central High School student Max Holthaus updated the Board on the progress of the district mobile app he has  been developing. Holthaus said the app is 25% complete and he expects it to be finished towards the end of summer.

And two donations were accepted from Frontier Farm Credit. The first, in the amount of $5,000, will  be used in the Vo-Ag/FFA program start up. The second donation for $350 is for the BackSnack program at the elementary/middle school.


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