Budget Cuts Target Local Domestic Violence Shelter

(KAIR)--After heavy rounds of budget cuts slashed its budget, the emergency domestic and sexual violence safe house, DoVES servicing Doniphan, Atchison, Brown and Nemaha counties, is relying on donations from the community to keep its doors open.

“Anything. Monetary donations is at the top of the list,” said DoVES Executive Director Debbie Duncan. “But, we also need other things like personal hygiene products. I always say, anything that is needed in the home. Volunteering would be wonderful. The victims would be truly grateful for any assistance. I am the only employee now, and I live there.”

She says the cuts came from state agencies and governor's office.

“My opinion, is they're trying to cut theses small shelters, and that will hurt us because we're a small, rural farming area,” Duncan added. “The problem with that is, how are our victims going to get to Kansas City and why make them move out of their comfort zone?”

Despite these cuts, Duncan says the shelter hasn't scaled back any services they offer to victims, and nobody is ever turned away.

“We can service 10 women and 10-12 children,” Duncan said. “Our time line is 30-90 days, but if they're not ready in 90 days, it could be longer. What we try to do at DoVES, is give them time to heal so we can empower and assist them in starting a new life. Some women, think there is no life after abuse. But, I am one of those survivors now, and I know there is life after abuse. ”

Anyone interested in donating either money or materials to DoVES can call 913-367-0365. Monetary donations can be mailed to DoVES P.O. Box 262, Atchison KS 66002. Or visit their website.

The shelter's 24-hour crisis hot line is 1-800-367-7075 or 913-367-0363.

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