Commissioner Files As Election Approaches

One filing so far for positions up for election this April in Hiawatha and Horton.
In Hiawatha, the position of mayor, currently held by Crosby Gernon,  is up for election. The position is for a three-year term.
In Horton, the position of Commissioner of Streets and Utilities, currently held by Wade Edwards, is up for election.
The position is for a four-year term.
Edwards, on Tuesday, submitted the necessary paperwork to retain his seat(Play Audio)
Why does Edwards want to continue serving as Commissioner?(Continue Audio)
Edwards says he has already formulated goals, should he be elected to his first full term of service for the City of Horton(Continue Audio)
Candidates have until noon, January 24th,  to file at their respective city clerk’s office.
If more than two candidates file for either position, a primary election will be held Tuesday, February 28th.
The general election is Tuesday, April 3rd.  

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