LV County named to receive transportation funding

(KAIR)--One local county is set to benefit from the more than $11 million being awarded to 14 transportation construction projects across Kansas.

Announcement of the funding was made jointly in a release from Kansas Governor Laura Kelly and Acting Secretary of Transportation Calvin Reed.

According to the release, Leavenworth County is set to benefit from a portion of the funds, made possible through the State's Cost Share Program, which the release says “is designed to help rural and urban areas advance transportation projects to improve safety, support job retention and growth, relieve congestion, and improve access and mobility.”

The release notes that funds designated for Leavenworth County will be used for the 235th Street roadway improvement project.

The total of Leavenworth County's funding is not immediately released.

According to the release, the Kansas Cost Share Program “was created as part of the Kelly administration's 10-year, bipartisan Eisenhower Legacy Transportation Program, or IKE.”

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