Motions to approve addition at Johnson-Brock School fail

(KLZA)-- Johnson-Brock School Board members denied two motions to approve a building addition project when they met Monday evening.

A motion to approve the project with AHRS Construciton in the amount of $3.3 million was followed by a lengthy discusison on compromises and changes that could be made to the proposed project. Following the discussion Board members Chester Bohling, Keith Bohling and Tom Teten voted against the proposal with Board members Jeff Ottemann, Mitch Neddenriep and Blayne Behrends voting in favor. With the tie vote, the motion failed.

A motion to approve the project in an amount of $2,337,000 was then made. Discussion prior to the vote was that it would include the intention of adding a new weightroom within a year. Voting in faavor were Board members Keith Bohling, Teten, and Chester Bohling with Board mebers Blayne Behrends, Mitch Neddenriep and Jeff Ottemann casting nay votes. Again with the tie vote the motion failed.

The building additon proposal would add classroom space needed due to an increase in enrollment, and space needed to accommodate growing programs and class sizes. The building proejct has been an ongoing discussion at Johnson-Brock School Board meeting since March of 2022.

The proposal was for three full-size classrooms, one smaller classroom and a weight room addition on the northeast corner of the current building.

One advantage described on the school website would be to move PreK, Kindergarten and Title students to the other side of the building, moving them out of the main 7 - 12 grade hallway.

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