Atchison Commission meets Monday

(KAIR)--Authorizing the sale of general obligation bonds to fund the repair of Atchison streets, as well as the latest step needed for the future opening of a new Atchison coffee shop, are all part of new business to come before the Atchison City Commission Monday.

According to the agenda for the session, the Commission, along with the bond issue, will consider the 300 Main Street Sub-Division Final Plat Approval. If granted the Commission's consent, approval means clearing the way for the opening of a Scooters Coffee.

According to the City, the Main Street lot has been cleared for redevelopment through a grant from the State of Kansas, with Lot 1 to be utilized as the location of the new business, while Lot 2 will continue as a parking lot, for use by neighboring businesses and owned by the City.

A site plan is already approved for the future business, with the City to “receive the proceeds from the sale of the property minus associated costs with the preparation of required documents and commissions.”

The Atchison City Commission meets Monday afternoon, beginning at 4:30, at Atchison City Hall.

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