KTA celebrates local service

(MSC News)--Several area individuals are among 51 whose employment with the Kansas Turnpike Authority is being celebrated this year, with the group collectively having 790 years of service to the KTA.

According to a release, William Stumpf, of Mayetta, serves as Highway Maintenance Lead, and has served for 20-years. Russell Burk, of Valley Falls, celebrates his 15th year anniversary, and currently serves as Highway Maintenance Foreman. Brian Neiberger, of Meriden, is Utilities Superintendent, and also celebrates 15-years. Celebrating one decade on the job is Chad Schultz, of Ozawkie, who serves as Senior Utilities Tradesman.

Each year the Kansas Turnpike Authority recognizes employees and Kansas Highway Patrol troopers assigned to the Turnpike who are celebrating years-of-service anniversaries.

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