Falls City High School parking lot project approved

(KLZA)--The Falls City Board of Education approved a bid from Keller Construction for an asphalt overlay and striping of the Falls City High School Parking lot in an amount of $122,250 when they met Monday evening.

It as the low bid of those submitted for the project to be done this summer.

The Board approved certified employment contracts for the 2024-25 school year with several new teachers.

Sheyenne Farwell will teach 5th grade; Alyssa Frederick will teach 1st grade; Kaitlyn Sickel will teach 5th grade; Susan Witt will teach 5th grade; Penelope Caudle will be a Secondary Science Teacher and Nathaniel Syslo will teach Secondary School Mathematics.

Richardson County Emergency Management Director Brian Kirkendall and Deputy Director Kristy Richardson presented information on a recently drafted Reunification plan for the Falls City Public Schools.

A critical aspect of crisis response is accountable reunification of students with their parents or guardians in the event of a controlled release being necessary.

Board members also approved final reading on a number of policy reviews and revisions including Visitor, Parent and Spectator conduct and the use of Sniffer Dogs.

The protocol is lined out in the policy for the use of Sniffer Dogs on school property. Under the policy, the school district will, in no event authorize a sniffer dog to sniff a person.

Lockers may be sniffed, vehicles parked on school property may be sniffed and classrooms and other common areas may be sniffed at any time students and staff are not present.

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