Jefferson Co readies for Co Fair season

The Jefferson County, KS Courthouse/Credit: Facebook

(KAIR)--Planning is underway, with a schedule change being made, as Jefferson County readies itself for county fair season.

During last week- meeting of the County Commission, Commissioner David Christy, the unofficial minutes say, "discussed the Valley Falls Chamber of Commerce and the Jefferson County 4-H Council making plans for the 76th annual Jefferson County 4-H Parade."

One change for 2024 is the timing of the parade, traditionally held Tuesday evening during fair week. Instead, this year, the parade will take place Wednesday evening, July 31, with the parade participants to lineup that evening at 5:45, on Maple Street, located at the east side of downtown Valley Falls. Those who want to participate in the parade need to register through the Jefferson County website, .

The theme this year is "Caution: 4-H Leaders Under Construction."

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