HCF Match Day event raises more than $230K

(KNZA)--The Hiawatha Community Foundation's 4th annual “ Give Back to Move Forward” match day event over the Memorial Day weekend was a big success.

Organizers say 771 gifts totaling $231,712 were given to benefit 46 funds.

Each fund was eligible to receive up to $2,000 in matching funds.

The Friends of the Morrill Free Public Library Fund generated the largest amount of donations, totaling $18,463. That was followed by the Amberwell Hiawatha Foundation Fund, which received donations totaling $16,054, and the Hiawatha USD 415 Educational Foundation Fund, which received donations totaling $13,142.

You can find the complete list of donations made to all the participating charitable funds from this year's match day event by going to givebacktomoveforward.com and clicking leaderboard.

During the past 4 years, a combined total of more than one million dollars has been raised to benefit organizations in the community.

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