Falls City Council action on MOU delayed

(KLZA)-- No action was taken by Falls City Council members on a Memorandum of Understanding between Richardson County and the Falls City Police Department to have a secondary Public Safety Answering Point at the Richardson County Sheriff's Office when the Council met Monday evening.

The agreement was written based on a draft of an agreement from the Nebraska Public Service Commission which is being adjusted to meet local needs.

Police Department personnel reviewed the proposal from Richardson County and have suggested a number of changes. Those proposals are being reviewed and the item will be back on the Council agenda during their June 17 meeting.

In other business the council approved a request from Falls City Nursing & Rehab to limit parking on Burton Drive. In order to create a clear path for emergency vehicles the Council voted to disallow parking on Burton Drive from 17th to 19th Streets.

Also approved during the meeting was adoption of a new employee attendance and utilization policy that will work effectively with a new software system the city is using.

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