Falls City Administrators report

City Administrator Anthony Nussbaum provided a lengthy update to City Council members on a number of topics during their Monday evening meeting.

Nussbaum said the City is awaiting the arrival of a purchase agreement for the Rivoli Theater building at 1814 Stone Street from current owner Mitch Glaeser. The Theater Committee will review the agreement then complete the initial project planning and provide recommendations to the City Council for the next steps in an effort to rehabilitate the space.

Apace, formerly known as Region V Services would like to make the City an offer on the Falls City Senior Center building at 221 West 16th Street. The offer is expected to be made following an inspection of the building. Apace would like to utilize the building to expand their adult daycare program and coordinate services to continue to allow the facility to operate for the Meals on Wheels program.

Nussbaum noted the Building and Code Enforcement Department has been awarded a Revitalize Rural Nebraska Grant worth up to $17 thousand for demolition of a commercial property at 1817 ½ Stone Street. The City expects the building to be demolished late this summer. The grant requires a 15 percent match which has been secured through an agreement with the property owner.

The Board of Public Works has hired Southern Cathodic Protection to complete a grant application for monies focused on natural gas pipeline safety. The funds could be used for replacing steel lines and purchasing leak detection equipment. The City could receive $1 -2 million in grant funds if the application is successful. No local matching funds would be required.

The BPW also hired Farris Engineering to perform grant writing services to pursue a Grid Resiliency grant with funds to be used for the replacement of primary distribution components near the power plant that would allow for all of the town feeder lines within the city yard to be moved underground.

The Wartsila company came to Falls City to do diagnostic testing on the Wartsila Generator at the power plant. Needed repairs and parts were identified and fixed.

In addition to the repairs and testing, engine operation training was provided for all power plant staff members. Public Works Director Trevor Campbell has scheduled an engine exercise program under which all the power plant engines will be operated periodically to help train operators and ensure reliability of the power generating engines.

Falls City Utilities has entered into an agreement with Evergy Kansas Central, Inc. to sell unit firm capacity beginning June 1, 2025. The contract calls for a total of 10 megawatts of capacity totaling $540 thousand for the first year and a $12 thousand increase each year of the contract. The City will use the initial revenue for power plant improvements helping to insure needed infrastructure improvement are not paid for solely through customer rates or sales tax collections.

Nussbaum also reported several new hires have been made. Nathan Cepuran has been hired as a Power Plant Assistant Engineer; Mike Dishong as a Power Plant Operator and Jonathan McAndrew as a Gas Department Utility Technician.

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