Free swim day set at Hiawatha Aquatic Park

(KNZA)--July 1st will be a free swim day at the Hiawatha Aquatic Park.

The Hiawatha City Commission gave their approval Monday evening on the recommendation of Parks and Recreation Director Stacy Jasper.

The event will kick-off the month of July, which is National Parks and Recreation Month.

Interim City Administrator Brad Scott said Jasper is planning more events next month to celebrate National Parks and Recreation month.

On the recommendation of City Clerk Dawn Boyles, the Commission approved amendments to the city hall front office job descriptions and pay scale. The positions of assistant city clerk and treasurer will be combined, and the office manager will become office assistant. Boyles said the changes will save an estimated $13,500 annually.

In other business, the Commission approved two street repair projects. J & B Contractors will repair a portion of Industrial Drive, along with the intersection of Oregon Street and Apache Avenue for a total cost of $26,598.

The Commission also approved drainage repairs in the 600 block of North 3rd Street, which will include replacing 190 feet of curb and gutter, along with repairing the alley entrance. J & B Contractors will perform the work for a cost $9,880.

In addition, the Commission approved a quote from Drill Well, of Falls City, to replace two variable frequency drives at the north wastewater treatment plant for a total cost of $33,143.

And the Commission approved a quote from Maple City Heating and Cooling for the replacement of the HVAC system at the wastewater control building in the amount of $9,202.

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