Omaha Public Power District warns of scam attempts

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(KLZA)-- Omaha Public Power District has learned of a recent increase in scam calls targeting customers of other Nebraska utilities. With the likelihood that those calls will make their way into the OPPD service territory again, OPPD reminds customers how to defend themselves.

The scammers target customers of utilities claiming to work for the power company. Most often, they falsely claim that the customer is overdue on their bill and needs to buy some sort of pre-paid credit or gift card to settle up. They are often quite aggressive and threaten to disconnect power if they don’t receive payment. This is a hollow threat. OPPD says NEVER pay these callers. Just hang up.

Another common ploy that callers use is to try to convince customers that they owe money for equipment, such as an electric meter. OPPD customers would NOT be responsible for such equipment.

In 2024, our call center representatives have received reports of new twists to this old scam, with callers falsely claiming:

· Customers are receiving a credit or discount as a reward for paying their bill on time.

· Senior citizens get a discount of $50.

· Customers have overpaid on their bills, and they’re getting money back.

With all the above methods, scammers are asking for credit card numbers to apply credits. OPPD would NEVER request a credit or debit card number, even if a customer had overpaid. We would simply apply the credit to the next bill.

Sometimes scammers target specific types of businesses as they make their phone call rounds, likely hoping that owners will pay up rather than risk being shut down and losing even more money.

Scammers have also used technology like text messaging, cash apps, QR codes, robocalls, and recordings of authentic OPPD messages to try and fool customers into paying. And they can be quite convincing. OPPD wants their residential and business customers to protect themselves by remembering:

NONE of these calls are from the utility. Our call center representatives would never cold-call customers demanding immediate payment. If customers were truly overdue on their bills to the point where service could be disconnected, they would receive written notice first.

Authentic utility representatives never request payment via a purchased payment card.

NEVER give personal or financial information to a stranger during an unsolicited phone call.

Do NOT allow entrance to such a person, without proper credentials or utility authorization, appearing unannounced at your door.

ALWAYS ask for identification or verification. OPPD employees always carry identification. Failure to produce identification should always be a tip-off to the customer that something is wrong.

Be wary of sales pitches from companies claiming to represent or work with OPPD.

Customers who have any questions about service, their account or bill status, or if in need of financial assistance should call OPPD toll free at 877-536-4131.

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