Falls City Council approves vacant property assessments

(KLZA)-- The Falls City Council approved assessment of unpaid vacant property registration fees totaling $750 for a property at 1120 Lane Street when they met Monday evening.

The fee program is part of an effort by the City to get vacant properties cleaned up in the community.

City Administrator Anthony Nussbaum says this is the first property to be assessed the fees, under the vacant property ordinance.

The $750 fee is from the first six-month period after the property was registered totaling $250 plus a second six-month period which comes with a $500 assessment. Each six-month period, the fee will be an additional $500. If the fees are not paid, the City will file a lien against the property allowing the City to collect the fees if the property is sold. If the fees eventually are equal or higher than the value of the property, the City could then foreclose on the property through the abatement program.

Nussbaum told the Council members that he expects there could be several vacant properties to be assessed fees to come before the Council each month.

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