Marysville Council Places Sales Tax Issue on Nov. Ballot

( KMZA )--Marysville voters will decide the fate of a 6-tenths of a percent retailers sales tax to fund the construction of a new city pool during the November general election.
The Marysville City Council voted this week to place the issue on the ballot after a lengthy discussion on whether the sales tax should contain a sunset provision.
In the end, the Marysville Advocate reports the council voted 5-3 to include a 20-year sunset clause, which is the time expected to retire the debt.
Council members voting no said they thought they should make sure funds are available to maintain and operate the facility after it’s built and paid for.  
The proposed 10,357-square foot pool is expected to cost about $4.28 million.
The 6-tenths of a percent  sales tax would generate at least a $500,000 a year. 
If approved by voters, the new pool would replace the existing 60-year-old structure in the Marysville City Park.

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