USD 409 Holds First Bond Issue Forum

(KAIR) -- The USD 409 school board Monday evening held its first of three scheduled public forums to tour and describe the items set to be renovated if voted for in a bond issue in November.

The first forum was at Atchison Middle School, where renovations would happen to the Roosevelt Building, originally erected in the 1920s.

During the tour, first year Principal Bryon Hanson described some of the damages to one of the seven classrooms that would be renovated.

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The board then heard a presentation from Vice President of HTK Architects, Don Pruitt, who described the renovations.

They would also include an elevator to reach all five levels and asbestos removal, which would be immediately.

They also described the proposed renovations at the high school, which would include renovations of the band room, art and FACS room.

It would also include eight new classrooms, replacing the portable classrooms and eliminating the annex.

It would also secure the library by enclosing the room.

School board member, Doctor John Eplee, says November is the time for voters do something about problems at the high school and middle school.

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The proposed bond issue is not like most bonds, where taxes would normally have to be raised.

Instead, Eplee says the district will be able to refinance without raising the mill levy.

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Pruitt says they would hope to have the project completed by the end of next year.

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The next public forum will be October 15th at 6:30 at Atchison High School.

A call-in forum will be October 23rd at 6:30.

Call the following toll-free number to ask questions and get the facts about the USD 409 bond issue.
 • 1-877-375-5164
 • You will then be asked to enter the Conference ID number: 29370274
 • The operator will provide instructions as to how to request to ask a question.