Grant Sought to Replace Brown Co. Courthouse Benches

( KNZA )--Grant funds will be sought to replace the four concrete benches on the north and south sides of the Brown County Courthouse.

The county commission Monday signed a letter that will be sent to the Citizen’s State Bank requesting grant funding through the Ruth and Roger Wolfe Charitable Trust.

Commission Chairman Steve Roberts said a bid was obtained from J and B Contractors of Hiawatha to replace the four benches at a total cost of $9,400.

He said the county would be willing to provide matching funds for the project.

Roberts said he was informed by Citizen’s State Bank Trust Officer Jim Bush that money would be available from the Wolfe Trust after the first of the year.

The current benches are crumbling and are decaying beyond a feasible repair.

In the letter, commissioners say they feel new benches would not only enhance the looks of the courthouse, but will serve as a viable option to seating around the courthouse square.


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