Hiawatha Commission Receives Sticker Shock

(KNZA)--Hiawatha City Commissioners will meet for a special workshop session Monday evening, stemming from what might be called “sticker shock” received during their regular meeting last week. 

It was during that session that the Commission heard a presentation from Galen Lay, of TREKK Design, outlining the final plan for mandated sewer improvements in the city(Play Audio) 

It was that 2-million-dollar figure that caused concern for the Commission, with Mayor Crosby Gernon questioning Lay, saying the original cost presented was 1-point-4 to 1-point-6 million: 

Lay explained that it was a new figure, based on the latest analysis showing that the extent of the project would cost more than originally planned. 

Following further scrutiny by the Mayor, and his fellow Commissioners, it was decided to take no action during the regular meeting. 

Instead, they made the decision to hold a workshop session with Lay to further explore the planned upgrades. 

That will happen Monday evening at 5:30 at Hiawatha City Hall. 

The sewer line improvement work is required by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment, extending a mandate from the Environmental Protection Agency related to aging sewer systems, with Hiawatha joining city’s both local, and elsewhere, having to conduct the upgrades. 


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