Holt County Wins Awards at State Conference

(KTNC) - Response to several natural disasters over the last several years has helped Holt County Missouri claim two awards for Excellence in Government.  The awards were presented at the Missouri Association of Counties annual conference last week. 
 Holt County Clerk Kathy Kunkel says the county was recognized for its “team approach” to disaster management developed over the last few years.  That approach has the county’s elected officials take on additional responsibilities – including Presiding Commissioner Mark Sitherwood now serving as the Emergency Management Director.   (play audio   :46)
 Kunkel estimates that approach has saved Holt County more than $100,000 over the last five years.   (play audio  :26)
 Kunkel says it was nice to be recognized for the innovative approach to disaster management, and they are sharing what they’ve learned with other small, rural, counties in the state.  (play audio  :13)
 Since 2007, Holt County has dealt with five floods, as well as a couple small tornadoes and blizzards.
 The other award went to Holt County Assessor Carla Markt.  She was honored for her work over the past 10 years with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to recoup tax dollars lost, as farmland the Corps of Engineers has purchased for the Missouri River Recovery Program has been removed from the tax rolls.  As Kunkel explains, the land becomes tax-exempt when the Corps purchases it.   (play audio  :30)
 Markt has brought over half-a-million dollars back to Holt County through cost-share and payment in lieu of tax programs.
 More than 700 people attended the MAC conference, which serves as a training and networking program to enhance local government.  Classes at this year’s conference touched on topics including wireless 9-1-1 service issues, compliance with the Affordable Care Act, and cyber-security.


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